Ρωσική τίτλος: Подержанный ребёнок Πρωτότυπος τίτλος: Wer küsst schon einen Leguan?
Παραλλαγές εναλλακτικών τίτλων: Tweedehandskind | Wer küßt schon einen Leguan? | Подержанный ребенок
Jugendfilm – Γερμανία Έτος παραγωγής: 2003 Διάρκεια: 90 λεπτά
Σκηνοθεσία: Karola Hattop Σεναριογράφος: Michael Demuth Κάμερα: Konstantin Kröning Μουσική: Moritz Denis
Tobias Baumann, aged 13, lives in an East German city and his life is as depressing as the blocks of flats in his quarter. He doesn’t know who his father is, his classmates think he is anti social and pick on him permanently and his mother Anja lives together with the ignorant and violent Fritze. During a dispute in his class, Tobias claims that his father came back from South America with an iguana. The next day, he shows his amazed classmates and teacher the animal and a photo of his father. The problem: the iguana and the photo belong to his neighbour Max Feldkamp, head writer of a daily soap opera with low ratings. When Max realizes that Tobias searches his friendship, he thinks that the boy’s story could be a good plot for his show. Thus, he looks after Tobias, but Anja’s suprising death changes everything.
Dies ist zwar ein ziemlich guter Kinderfilm, der jedoch andere gute Kinderfilme (z. B. „Der Sommer des Falken“) blockiert, da er für meinen Geschmack einfach viel zu oft wiederholt wird.
Dieser Film wurde von Heiner in die Filmliste eingetragen!